School Hours

School Hours

 Start timeEnd time
Monday08.30 am2.45 pm
Tuesday08.30 am2.45 pm
Wednesday08.30 am12.15 pm
Thursday08.30 am2.45 pm
Friday08.30 amGroup 1 to 4: 12.15 pm
  2.45 pm (group 5 to 8)

Ten minutes before the school day begins, the school door opens (08.20 am). It is crucial that children are in their classroom on time, otherwise they miss valuable instruction and class time.

Children can stay at school during lunch. They first eat their self-brought lunch in the classroom in the presence of their group teacher. After that, they play outside under the supervision of the KinderRijk staff. The cost for lunchtime childcare at school is €210 for a lower-grade student and €280 for an upper-grade student.